Emotional vs. Psychological Health Benefits: 7 Examples

Earlier this month, we talked about 8 examples of emotional and psychological health issues. We’re now going to discuss some benefits of maintaining good emotional and psychological health.

As a general rule, lower stress levels, self-awareness, emotional stability, less anxiety, less depression, being less likely to develop an eating disorder, and avoiding the development of a personality disorder qualify either as an emotional or a psychological benefit of a healthy state of either.

Being able to maintain a health state of mind and emotions will help you navigate day to day life with more ease and joy. Lets get into the seven various benefits of maintaining good emotional and mental health.

What are Examples of Emotional Health Benefits?

Lower Stress Levels

One major benefit to being in good emotional health is a low stress level. Stress is a normal response to a variety of situations. However, when your emotional health is in need of some care typical stressors might seem much more serious and emotionally taxing than usual.


When someone is self-aware and able to observe their emotions, they are in good emotional health. Self-awareness is a great benefit to experiencing good emotional health. It will allow people to avoid overloading when they’re about to be too stressed/burned out.

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It can also help someone establish necessary boundaries. Being self-aware can also be a great mindset tool to help people “level up” various harmful mindsets or perspectives.

Emotional Stability

Being emotionally stable will be experienced when someone is experiencing good emotional health. They will be able to navigate their emotions in a healthy, constructive and appropriate way.

Being emotionally stable is beneficial because it makes life so much more enjoyable. You will be able to confront unresolved issues and difficult emotions hanging over your head.

What are Examples of Psychological (Mental) Health benefits?

Less Anxiety

As we previously established, experiencing good psychological health means that someone will have the mental capacity to effectively cope with the variety of daily scenarios. Experiencing less anxiety is a benefit of that.

Imagine you’re at work. You’re playing catch-up on a list of assignments and your boss swings by your desk and adds even more onto your to-do list. While anyone might agree that this is annoying, someone who is in poor psychological health will be substantially bothered by this.

Anxiety might arise and they might become irritated, overwhelmed and extremely anxious. They might experience a whirlpool of downward spiraling emotions. Someone in this scenario experiencing poor mental health will feel like their whole world revolves around the huge to-do list.

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Less Depression

The same goes for the tendency to experience depression. Experiencing less depressive symptoms is an amazing benefit of good psychological health.

People who do not have a depression disorder will be able to regulate this much easier. However, achieving a better state of mental health is possible even if a disorder is diagnosed.

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Avoid Developing an Eating Disorder

Having a healthy state of mind can be the difference between someone who develops an eating disorder and someone who avoids it.

Usually, eating disorders form from certain actions that have been taken against someone with poor self-esteem issues. Someone with a healthy state of mind might be more aware of the actions against them that might otherwise discourage someone’s self- worth.

Avoid Developing a Personality Disorder

Similar to avoiding the development of an eating disorder, experiencing a healthy mental state can help people avoid the development of a personality disorder in some situations. Typically, personality disorder form from childhood traumas and experiences.

If someone is exposed to a series of events that typically cause a personality disorder to develop but they usually experience a healthy state of mind, they have a good chance of being spared from it. Having the ability to maintain a healthy state of mind in a variety of unpleasant situations can help resolve initial trauma before it festers.

What is the difference between Psychological Health and Emotional Health?

Contrary to popular belief, emotional and psychological health are not quite the same. While they are somewhat related, one is often mistaken for the other. The more someone is in touch with themselves, the easier it is to pinpoint an emotional or psychological issue that is being experienced.

Emotional health specifically relates to how you handle your emotions – both positive and negative. While psychological (mental) health is how you are coping with various life experiences that come your way. Both can trigger the other and one can also experience them individually as well.

Mental health is often mistaken for emotional health because emotions are usually tied in with one’s current state of mental well-being. Think of mental health as it relates to your productivity and ease of accomplishing weekly tasks. Emotional health is how you’re feeling in relation to your mental health and the feelings you get in response to something.

emotional health

What is Mental Health and how does it Affect Your Well-being?

Mental health refers to how you are coping with what life throws at you in the moment. This affects your well-being because your abilities to deal with everything that can come your way can take a toll if someone is not properly taking care of themselves.

What is the difference between Emotional and Psychological Abuse?

Psychological Abuse

Mental abuse is defined as the occurrence of someone’s well-being, self-worth and/or emotional state being purposely neglected or reduced.

This typically happens by the abuser verbally abusing the victim and manipulating them in some way. Mental abuse can come in many degrees and can occur in any relationship.

It’s more typical to see it in a romantic relationship as the abuser has more control. This is due to the love the victim feels toward them. 

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is defined as any behavior that uses emotions to control or manipulate someone.

The emotions used can vary per abuser but usually shame, blame and guilt are involved as these are some of the strongest emotions we feel.

Emotional abuse has no aspect of physical abuse involved. Often, abusers will deny their abuse because of this.

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Hi, I'm Marissa! I'm passionate about mental and emotional health and want to share what I've learned over the years with others! I've seen first hand how mental health struggles can cause serious issues within relationships, work life, daily productivity, self-worth and more! I truly believe that we owe it to ourselves to bring more awareness to these life changing topics. Start your mental/emotional health journey by learning more today!

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