6 Ways You Can Stop Emotional Eating

Disclaimer: While I wholeheartedly believe in the power of a self-care routine for mental health, this is not a solution for those suffering with suicidal tendencies. If you wish to end your life but are looking for answers before doing so, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (available 24/7) at 800-273-8255
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Learning how to stop emotional eating is easier said than done. When emotional pain isn’t being resolved, it is common to try to ease that pain in other ways.

Emotional well-being is an important aspect to everyone’s overall well-being. Emotional eating can be particularly difficult to avoid at times of stress or loneliness.

Compulsive overeating or even the abuse of drugs and alcohol are typically seen with those struggling with emotional pain.

This year especially has been challenging in so many ways. Sometimes all you need is an occasional bowl of ice cream and you’re good to go, but other times it may seem as if the urge to emotionally eat can last for days.

how to stop emotional eating

Speaking from experience, I’ve gathered six helpful tips that could help you through challenging emotional times.

Go for a Walk or Exercise 

If hitting the gym seems nearly impossible given your current emotional state, make yourself at least go for a walk.

Moving your body and getting fresh air not only feels good, but it helps release the “feel good” chemicals in your brain. If you can go and workout, great!

Many people experience a lack of appetite while workout out and shortly after as well. Plus, it will help take your mind off whatever it is you are going through while promoting a healthy outlet. Running especially is a great way to “restart” your system.

I’ve found that going for a run a few times a week when I’m struggling emotionally, helps improve my state of mind much faster than if I didn’t.

You’ll have to force yourself to do it but if you can get out there to run for even 15 minutes 2-3 times a week, you could see a huge improvement.

Online therapy can help with various emotional struggles that disrupt your life. Getting started with a certified therapist is easy with OnlineTherapay. If you’d like to start online therapy with a certified therapist (plus a full toolbox including extra supportive activities) you can get 20% off your first full month with this special discount link!  *linked below as well

Call or Visit a Friend

It’s no secret that talking to someone helps you feel more connected and less lonely. It can also distract you from emotional eating.

Spending time with someone you love and trust will help reinforce your sense of emotional connection. If you are unable to go visit someone, set up a time to call or have a video chat.

Better yet, combine these first couple of suggestions and buddy up with a friend when you exercise. You’ll not only look forward to it more, but the accountability could help you stick to a healthy exercise routine.

Drink Lemon Water

Lemon water can be a healthy little addition to your daily routine. I’ve found that the first thing in the morning has been best to keep my appetite in a healthy place.

Squeeze half of a lemon into a 24oz bottle of water and drink it all within a half hour of waking up. Your body will feel so refreshed and it will set you up for better success throughout the day. I recommend drinking water (lemon or not) before you have any coffee.

If you prefer to drink lemon water throughout the day, do that too! This should cut cravings at least for a little while so that you are not emotionally snacking between meals.

If you already try to have healthy eating habits, you will most likely feel the effects of this more. Hydration itself is important for a healthy appetite.

So often it’s easy to mistake the feeling of hunger (usually “snack time”) for thirst. Decide how much water you need to drink each day and stick to it. 

Take Yourself on a Coffee Date

Getting out and doing something nice for yourself is a great way to break out of your typical routine. Maybe go to your favorite coffee shop and spend time reading a good book.

Avoid scrolling through social media during this time and just enjoy being present in the moment. Doing little things like that for yourself can help strengthen your personal relationship with yourself.

It will also improve your quality of life and perhaps improve your emotional state.

how to stop emotional eating

Self-care is not a luxury, it’s a responsibility to your own well-being! Start making your self-care a priority with these simple ideas today!

Click the image to grab your FREE Printable!

Go to a Movie

You can either go alone or with a friend, whichever you are most in the mood for. Maybe skip the snacks or limit yourself to a reasonable amount.

Try to enjoy the movie and the fact that you’re treating yourself to a little fun. I recommend a movie that’s action packed or a comedy. Something to lighten your mood and inspire you!

Take up a New Hobby

Taking up a new hobby is an easy way to create a little exciting change in your life. People typically crave the chance to explore something new.

Sometimes a negative emotional state is due to extreme boredom or unfulfillment. Figure out what you’d like to do, make a plan to start and go for it!

If you can do it at home so that it’s accessible whenever you want to, that’s a plus! Painting and knitting are good options because they take your full attention and you can see results relatively quickly.

When keeping your health and wellness in mind, emotional stress can seem especially hard to navigate through. Especially when you’re just discovering your personal mental and emotional health journey.

I have found that consistent daily health habits make emotional well-being somewhat easier to achieve. A few great practices to start with are journaling, affirmations and reading uplifting books that will motivate and inspire you.

Hopefully these tips will help you stay on track toward your health and fitness goals while working through your struggles and avoiding emotional eating.

I’d love to know if these tips have helped you through an emotionally trying time or even if they helped build on your existing emotional well-being. Feel free to leave a comment and/or share what has worked for you in the past! 

As previously mentioned, here is the discount link to sign up for online therapy (plus the “extras” toolbox) at 20% off your first month! START ONLINE COUNSELING 20% OFF

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Hi, I'm Marissa! I'm passionate about mental and emotional health and want to share what I've learned over the years with others! I've seen first hand how mental health struggles can cause serious issues within relationships, work life, daily productivity, self-worth and more! I truly believe that we owe it to ourselves to bring more awareness to these life changing topics. Start your mental/emotional health journey by learning more today!

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