What is Life Inertia?

It’s no secret that your life is what you make of it. As obvious as this might sound, it’s still easy to get carried down a path that you don’t necessarily want to be going.

As a general rule, life inertia is the direction that someone’s life is going. The habits, lifestyle, choices morals and environmental factors you identify with put you on a “path” which is the direction your life is going.

The idea that once something is in motion, it is likely to continue that way holds true in this scenario as well. In order to change your life’s inertia, intentional effort and mindset work will need to take place. Someone will change their mind which will then result in how you live your life through various action.

Now that you’re familiar with what life inertia is, here are a few commonly asked questions about the topic.

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Life Inertia FAQs

What does inertia mean in psychology?

Inertia in psychology relates to someone’s way of thinking, their typical emotional/mental health and how all of that forms their habits and the way they continue thinking.

If someone does not like their psychological inertia, they can implement mindset work and use professional therapy services to effectively change their psychological inertia.

Is inertia a form of depression?

Inertia itself is not a form of depression. You can be experiencing psychological inertia which negatively effects you and causes depression. However, inertia itself is simply the ongoing “force” of something being in motion.

What is overcoming inertia?

Overcoming inertia refers to the effort someone takes to change any ongoing force of inertia. This could be physical or mental. For example, if you’ve experienced trauma and you’ve developed a mental health disorder because of it, you’d overcome that inertia by going to therapy and working on resolving the trauma and then the mental health disorder.

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I like to think of it as “turning a ship around”. It’s easier for a big ship to stay in motion than it is to slow it down and change direction. Turning your life around (mentally or physically) takes focus and commitment. It’s the hardest thing many people will ever take on but the stronger you get, the easier it becomes. You build new momentum for yourself.

In order to change your life’s inertia someone must be willing to do the following…

Identify what you need/value in life

Go within yourself and ask “What is it that I really want for myself and my life?” That question might seem scary to ask, especially if you already know that your current path isn’t leading you to the life of your dreams.

Confronting that painful fact and slowly working toward what you want feels much better than letting the underlying stress of not doing anything, ruin your life.

Fortify your sense of self

Do you belief that you can accomplish anything that it is you want? Many people think they believe in themselves but when the rubber meets the road, self-sabotage can set in and try to ruin everything. Reinforcing your ability, even when you don’t completely believe that you can have what you want, will get your mind used to thinking about yourself in the way that you want to.

Journaling as if you’re already the person you want to be can help you envision yourself as that person which will eventually make it happen. When you envision something and feel positive feelings from that, your mind does not know that it’s not actually happening. You’ll start to develop the believe that you can do/be whatever it is you want.

Make the necessary changes and take action

As mentioned before, changing the direction of your life’s inertia takes a lot of intentional action. Don’t be afraid to take the first step. Chances are, you’ll surprise yourself with how capable you are. Also, the more you immerse yourself around the things you want (reading books, listening to podcasts, doing research, etc.) the more used to it you become.

It won’t seem so out of reach or “wild” to consider yourself having or doing whatever it is you want to do. Once you feel that way, your mind will start looking for ways to make it all happen. Lean into that feeling even if there is doubt.

Take out your emotional trash

As it turns out, changing your life’s inertia has a way of unearthing mental and emotional blocks. We all have some sort of emotional framework that we function off of. Are personal truths are put in place to protect our feelings, therefore we habitually avoid certain actions, situations or opportunities.

Start asking yourself questions about your emotions. Why do you feel the way you do about certain things? What triggers you and why? Instead of functioning based on those surface level feelings, figure out those pain points and work through them.

You’ll start rewriting your life, your emotional strength and it will bring you to new levels of success and strength.

life inertia

What are the forces of life inertia?

As a general rule the four forces of life inertia are someone’s values, self-esteem, ownership and their emotion. Having set values, a healthy sense of self-esteem, owning what you want for your life and having positive emotions will drive you toward the life and achievements that you want.

What causes despondency?

Despondency is when you’re “feeling blue” or are in “low spirits”. It could be caused by a number of external circumstances. Even though despondency might be described as feeling depressed, it does not necessarily mean that people experiencing despondency have depression.

We all feel low or down at times. Despondency can be caused by the beginning stages of burnout or fatigue. Stress and general overwhelm typically cause despondency as well.

What deficiencies can cause depression?

There are several things that can lead to depression if they’re absent in your life. Certain vitamins (vitamins B and D to name a couple), lack of close emotional connects with others, dissatisfaction with your job, living an unhealthy lifestyle, and many other things that do not contribute to your well-being.

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Hi, I'm Marissa! I'm passionate about mental and emotional health and want to share what I've learned over the years with others! I've seen first hand how mental health struggles can cause serious issues within relationships, work life, daily productivity, self-worth and more! I truly believe that we owe it to ourselves to bring more awareness to these life changing topics. Start your mental/emotional health journey by learning more today!

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